Kelli Mauric
Owner / Entreprenuer at Balance the Brain Professional Corp
Biography: Kelli Mauric
Statement of Problem
The truth of reality with the awareness of the present moment may be too boring, frightening, or falsely reassuring to humanity. For these three simple reasons, humanity welcomes the future and struggles to forget the past. In the past 30 years, or three decades, evidence-based medicine has given the world the most advanced scientific data in all aspects of human life.
Technological advances have made this vast amount of evidenced based scientific data shareable to diverse populations, demographics, and societies. Since 1996, in the US alone, the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), The US National Library of Medicine (NLM.) and PubMed Central (PMC), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have collected, analyzed, displayed, debated, and agreed upon programs, policies, laws, regulations, grants, contracts, and services to protect the health and safety of the United States population (1,2,4).
In 2022, the United States citizen population was listed as 333.29 million people in 50 states (2). The industry problems of economics, health and safety for humanity in the 20th century due to lack of knowledge have evolved to problems of vast knowledge with never ending desire for more knowledge at the expense of the quality of life for human beings. Humans have no regrets at bringing human life back from the dead. No heartbeat, no breathing, no problem … bring on CPR with extraordinary life saving measures was the 20th century moto! Economic stability was foregone at the expense of research in every industry and field of study.
As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, the human right to life is not only the right to life, but the right to a healthy quality of life … yet to be defined.
As of 2014, The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiated a requirement that all NIH grant recipients to use both male and female animals in their research. Historically, prior to 2014, only male animals were used in NIH research (3). From 2008-2014 and 2015 to 2023, the NIH an XLS spreadsheet as a visual of the research dollars in millions per year for each of the 308 disease categories. We now have a 6 year span in 308 disease areas to compare the male animal studies from 2008-2014 to the male and female animal studies from 2015-2023(4).
Furthermore, in order for the United States citizens to vote for government leadership in healthcare, it is vital the united states closes the gap of human biology knowledge between patient or US citizen and healthcare provider to enhance personal healthcare outcomes as well as develop healthcare policy. Understanding the essential functions of the human body is a basic human right that benefits all humanity. The health of one human will benefit the health of another human. If a human does not comprehend the essential necessity of self-care, how can that human decide the health of another?
The human survival response has propelled humanity’s existence through the turmoil of environmental disasters, disease, disability, death, famine, poverty, tyranny, and war. The human element of self-care and care for others allows for empathy and compassion bringing forth the birth of new life, the healing of the sick, the growth of food, separation of waste disposal from clean water sanitation, shelter, and comradery.
Evidenced based medicine provides a concrete foundation in describing human biology and reproduction over time as human evolution propels societies forth in human existence.
The NIH has spent the past 15 years and trillions of dollars in continuation of the human genome project, genetic and disease correlations, and stem cell research for regenerative medicine, gene therapy clinical trials, identification of source and function of stem cells in human and non-human sources(1).
Genetics can be as simple as it can be complicated. Every human should have education for five basic human biology concepts regarding human stem cells:
1. Define each type of human stem cell.
2. Define where in the body each stem cell originates.
3. Define the functions stem cell types provide.
4. Describe the cost to each US citizen to support the NIH in stem cell research.
5. Describe laws and regulations health insurances must abide by so US Citizens have accessible, affordable and applicable stem cell medicine in personal as a consumer of healthcare in clinical practice healthcare in the United States (4).
DNA, the human genetic code, one half from the father and one half from the mother, provides information starting from amino acids. These four amino acids, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine create two fused carbon – nitrogen rings that bond with a sugar called deoxyribose and one phosphate group in a double helix form. The sugars and phosphates vertically on the outside as the backbone and the horizontal nitrogen bases bonded with hydrogen as the inner strength of the double helix.
RNA, the human transcription genetic, allows for genetic expression without altering the original DNA. RNA consists of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil providing a single carbon-nitrogen ring allowing for manipulation of the RNA. RNA can perform as a messenger, a ribosome, a transfer, or a regulator of original DNA code. The messenger RNA is a transcript or copy of the original DNA code of amino acids sequencing. In the messenger RNA form, the amino acids sequencing code of the original DNA code is carried and to be read by the ribosome RNA structures. The ribosomal RNA structures need the transfer RNA to bring the amino acids sequencing code of the original DNA from the messenger RNA into the cell ribosome structures where RNA synthesis occurs making protein. DNA cannot be transferred without RNA transcription (messenger RNA), RNA structures (ribosome RNA), and RNA information (transfer RNA) to complete protein synthesis. Simple.
Complicated involves microRNA which is single stranded RNA from plants, animals and some viruses to alter gene expression during RNA transcription, structure and transfer for protein synthesis; such as occurred with gain of function research and Covid 19. Small interference RNA goes a step farther to interfere with double helix structure of the original DNA amino acid code by degrading mRNA after transcription, preventing translation, in the expression of specific genetics (4,5,6,8).
Any research without specific clinical practice applications for improved functional human existence must be restricted until dying and death with dignity can be defined, agreed upon, and enacted and enforced in society. Hospice for humanity should be a focus before altering original DNA genetic code.
Website: www.kellimauric.com
E-mail: thisiswhy@kellimauric.com
Kelli Kemenah Mauric is an entrepreneur who founded, owns, and operates Balance the Brain Professional Corporation; which focuses on women’s similarities as much as our differences to find the balance required to the injustices brought against us as individuals, our families, our communities, societal differences and throughout our own states and countries. Women’s Health and Human rights are the company’s foundation.
Recent Publications (minimum 5)
3. Clayton JA, Collins FS. Policy: NIH to balance sex in cell and animal studies. Nature. 2014 May 15;509(7500):282-3. Doi: 10.1038/509282a. PMID: 24834516; PMCID: PMC5101948.
4. National Institute of Health (NIH). Research, Condition, and Disease Categorization (RDCD). RDCD Funding Summary 2008-2023. https://report.nih.gov/funding/categorical-spending/rcdc.
5. BioExplorer.net. (2023, March 02). Where Do Stem Cells Come From?. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/where-do-stem-cells-come-from.html/.
6. Neurology Market: A BCC Research Overview. (Aug 2019) https://www.bccresearch.com/marketresearch/pharmaceuticals/neurology-market-research report.html PHM215A, BCC Publishing.
7. France K, Lotti TM. Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology: A Psychobiological Concept. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 996:123-134. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56017-5_11. PMID: 29124696.
Xu JQ, Murphy SL, Kochanek KD, Arias E. Mortality in the United States, 2021. NCHS Data Brief, no 456. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2022. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15620/cdc:122516